Monday, September 21, 2015

365 Project - Day 320

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” Confucius

I have to say, I looked at the photos in the folder for today and immediately thought, "oh no, not another flower photograph! What was I thinking? Enough already!" However, as I settled in to select the final one, I was struck by the beauty in these photos and reminded of why I am so drawn to photograph in this small space against these navy blue walls. The late afternoon light from the window into the dark room plays nicely for these photographs and I shot this around 6PM. I did leave the ISO at 1250 from the previous days, but I think it worked quite well. The blue backdrop highlights the natural variances in color in the flowers and this green bottle from the dollar store provides a good support structure, though I wish I had captured a little more.

It is likely that I was as disappointed by my lack of creativity when I set up the shot a few days ago as I was when I first swept through the folder today. I did the best I could with what I had at the time. Often, we do not or cannot or simply will not see the beauty that surrounds us, whether it be grande or simple. That is as much true with people as it is with things. It is as much true with inner beauty as with outer. I am constantly frustrated with this - and clearly, I am not free from guilt.

Finding beauty when we anticipate it, is nice. Finding beauty when we least expect it, is a terrific surprise. Expecting beauty to surround us, creates more beauty. If we create the world we want by our thoughts and words, then expecting and seeing beauty begets beauty. And I certainly sign up for that!

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: Simple Beauty

“He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11

EXIF: Nikon D750
ISO 1250

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