Monday, August 24, 2015

365 Project - Day 291

"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

At my age, you would think this a seldom occurrence, though lately I seem to be doing something new at a fairly robust pace. And, oddly, I see little signs of this slowing down. The bad news is that this feverish pace has left me running behind in some important areas. The good news is that, at the same time, I am way ahead in others. As always, the world operates "in balance"!

For today's photograph, I chose to try light painting. This was insanely challenging. I chose a small handheld flashlight as my light source and turned off all of the nearby lights. The difficulties were in 1) selecting the strength and placement of the light and 2) getting the focus set in very low light. I tried several different light positions, all hand held, and with a little patience achieved a look I like. One more tech note: I had to slow down the shutter speed to 3 seconds to capture enough light.

Is it not true, though, that when we fumble in the dark, these are our natural difficulties: Finding, directing and even determining the strength of a source of light, while also sharpening our focus? May I suggest, that slowing down, shaking things up and trying something entirely new that stretches us beyond our comfort zone, can allow us to see ourselves, our environment and our situations differently? And in the midst of that new perspective, we just might find new light and new strength.


Today's Photo: New Direction

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Brian Tracy

EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 400

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