Saturday, July 18, 2015

365 Project - Days 259, 260

"Be like the bird, that pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings." Victor Hugo

I continue to enjoy watching the flurry of bird activity in the garden. I tried to find a way to capture all of the birds and their antics. I'll keep working at it, but thought combining these two days might be a fun way to share.

In the first photo, you see 2 sparrows and a titmouse hanging out together. The second one shows a woodpecker flying away, while the cardinal and sparrow are flying in. And the third is of 2 titmice and a sparrow in the feeder while Mrs. Cardinal awaits an opportunity. The respect with which they share the food is remarkable.

I have truly enjoyed the dynamic of the of bird activity - the restlessness, the diversity, the activity high and low and watching the birds soar. In this particular garden, one cannot be timid and expect to enjoy the best the garden has to offer. You must aggressively swoop in and grab your place. It's okay to wait for your moment, but wait too long and the squirrel will have stolen your opportunity.

I have read the above quote repeatedly. To me, it offers the hope that if we will push ourselves while in the thick of difficulties (the slight boughs), we will find that we have precisely what it takes to overcome those adventures. And there is joy or singing in the knowledge that we have or have gained our wings at that precise moment.


Today's Photos: Wings!

"Let not the opinions of man interfere with the directions given to you by God." Unknown

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