Friday, October 30, 2015

365 Project - Days 354, 355

"Every particular in nature, a leaf, a droplet, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole." Ralph Waldo Emerson

We end daylight savings time this weekend. Yet another sign of the approaching winter. Wedged between the warmth and freshness of spring and summer and the cold and bitterness of winter, it does have a few of its own exceptional qualities. The crisp, bright mornings; cool breezes; uniquely beautiful colors; hearty comforting meals make this an embraceable season. The trouble is that I can often long for that summer heat and grow anxious about the bleak, cold winter. When that happens, I totally miss the grace and beauty within each autumn moment.

Isn't that very true about life? We spend time reminiscing about our past; pre-occupied with hopes of returning to the good ole days and we worry about the days ahead, creating a life of tortured anxiety long before an event occurs. Split between these two worlds, we miss the reality unfolding around us. Then I wondered the other day, "what if this moment, is the most important moment?" What if each moment, as Emerson describes, has impact on our lives as a whole? If none are forgotten and every one is a piece of the perfection of our lives, (which means how we execute today impacts tomorrow) then why waste time fretting over or desiring a spent past or anxious and excited about a distant future?

It is hard not to look back or look forward, but perhaps this is why the sun is so bright, the wind so fierce and the colors so deep in autumn. It's a reminder that the in betweens matters. We must, therefore, focus on perfecting our present. That work could be all-consuming. So I say, live in the present moment. Let it take your breath away and then breathe life back into this moment, creating roots for your future.


Today's Photos: Autumn Beauty and Last Farmer's Market

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” Henry David Thoreau

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