"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, the one who called you into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will himself restore, empower, strengthen, and establish you." 1Peter 5:10
It seemed the line of cars ahead of me was never-ending. I could not fathom where all of these people needed to be in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. I had just dropped my parents off at JFK Airport and the traffic home was crawling when it moved. We were moving so slowly that I took iPhone photos as my planned 365 Project for the day. I was not in a hurry, but did have a party to go to that evening. And I grew so very tired that sitting in traffic was threatening my ability to remain wide wake!
Very late that evening, I took a new set of daily photos. I had a choice to make: Focus on the afternoon's unpleasant traffic jam or find something I enjoyed far more. Anxieties and disappointments are simply, facts of life. As such, we choose how we react.
We can choose to dwell on our difficulties or we can choose to change our attitude. And while it is not always possible to "snap out of" a bad situation, when we can, we must. When we can't, adapting our perspective to an attitude of gratitude will set us on the course of change.
Just allowing ourselves the freedom to choose to focus on positive things can alter our outlook and shift our entire countenance. Lucky for me, I have a house full of flowers at the moment. Since daisies are absolutely the opposite of bad stuff, changing my attitude came easily. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Best wishes!
Today's Photo: Positive Vibes
EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 400
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