Sunday, November 30, 2014

365 Project - Day 33

Sometimes, all you need to renew your mind, refresh your attitude and reenergize your spirit is a good nap. After traveling back to New York on the redeye yesterday, my 14 year old was restless and feisty. Within 10 minutes of forcing him to settle down to read, this is what I found. Absolutely adorable. Don't you just look at this and think, "I wish that were me" ?

There's an Irish Proverb that reads, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything." How true! These are certainly two of my favorite things!

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "It's Nap Time!"

"Sleep is the best meditation." Dalai Lama

Saturday, November 29, 2014

365 Project - Day 32

I recently read an article discussing the science of gratitude, indicating scientific proof that the expression of gratitude improves our well-being, mentally, physically and spiritually ( I came across several similar articles tying science and gratitude this week. This time of year, when the US celebrates Thanksgiving and as we enter the December / January holiday season is the perfect time for this insight, but did we really need the world of science to tell us what our hearts already knew? Henry Ward Beecher said it well, “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”

When my children have asked for large gifts, Wii's, Xboxes, cameras. I have asked them to keep a gratitude journal before granting them their wish. I believe it is important that they are clear about the blessings (large and small) that already exist in their lives before they move on. Frankly, though, I don't do this often enough but I hope we are making progress. It would be fantastic for my teenage boys to get into a daily routine of writing in a gratitude journal. Then, again, they are teenage boys!

As I spent time with my almost 83 year old parents and their friends of more than 60 years this week, I was deeply moved by their collective gratitude, love and enduring friendship. Mostly, though, I was reminded of the grace and love of my parents. I am fortunate to have parents that exude love and I am thankful that God saw to it that I was assigned to them.

Today's photos: "Gratitude in Love"

“None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” Thornton Wilder

Friday, November 28, 2014

365 Project - Day 31

Part of our annual trip to Las Vegas includes visits to the casino floor. The ambiance of the casinos, the "chime" and lights of the slots, coupled with the integration of both the intense and whimsical players is always intriguing. We fall in the latter category of whimsy. Playing the slots for fun with the outside chance that we might go home with an upside to our small investment. Did you know that slot machines account for 60% of the gaming profits in the US (according to Wow - I had no idea.

As we walk the floor each year to decide which slots to play, it is clear that some games are simple and others quite complex. The casino floors mix a variety of old classic and modern concepts slot machines. I always find it a challenge to hunt down my longtime favorite, Sun and Moon. I was fascinated last night, though, by a new slot machine that included an opportunity to use the touch screen to "shake the tree" to gain additional points. I liked the idea of a more personal interaction with the machine than simply pressing a button over and over again. Speaking of this, I much preferred pulling the handle "back in the day" to pushing buttons today.

We're not high limit players, but I was intrigued by a family story we heard at brunch today. One of my parent's friends walked into the High Limit area, inserted a couple of hundred dollars and walked out with $8000. Not a bad risk / reward scenario but you have to be willing to exercise the risk!

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "Slots, chimes and lights"

"He had the calm confidence of a Christian with four aces." Mark Twain

365 Project - Day 30

"Every language has a word for water; no living thing exists without water. It soothes the spirit and sustains the body; its beauty inspires art and music. Employed by cultures around the world in rituals and ceremonies, water bathes us from birth to death. Water is essential to life as we know it. And as it cycles from the air to the land to the sea and back again, water shapes our planet—and nearly every aspect of our lives." Water: H2O=Life

The above quote from the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) website is an excellent description of the importance of water to our quality of life, mentally and physically. I love water. It is my drink of choice, natural, room temperature, without ice. I swam on swim teams in high school and college. I enjoy just hanging out in the pool - far more than poolside. I relish the taste, the sound, the look and the feel of water. It is a gift. Those of us who have access to it abundantly likely rarely think about the fact that it is in scarce supply. Yet, according to AMNH, fresh water makes up only 3% of the Earth's surface; two-thirds of that is ice and much of the remainder is underground. As a water-lover, I find these statistics alarming. I must be a better steward of this gift and resource I so fervently enjoy for both its beauty and sustenance. In doing so, I help both myself and those for whom water is a scarcity. I invite you to join me.

This photo is of the fountain in front of the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. This is one of my favorite hotels. It is beautiful inside and out, with such attention to detail and very helpful personnel.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "Water = Life"

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." W.H. Auden

"Water is the driving force of all nature." Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, November 27, 2014

365 Project - Day 29

I confess - this shot was a last minute "holy smokes, I neglected to take my 365 photo today." This was taken when we arrived after 12AM at the Las Vegas airport. I am sitting in my wheelchair at the elevator, facing the opposite direction from this gate. I grabbed my iPhone, swung around and took a quick shot before being whisked away. Yes, it's blurry, and dark, but I also found it interesting that in the wee hours of the morning, on the busiest travel day of the year, calm and quiet existed.

This was particularly amusing given I had been rather frantic just a few hours earlier. I spent the entire day packing the family for our annual Thanksgiving trip to Las Vegas and still we left later than we planned, but with plenty of time on a "normal" day. The traffic was a nightmare, however. It seems everyone scheduled to travel on Wednesday decided to leave early to miss the anticipated snow storm. So, we were rushing when we arrived at JFK. And, since I don't rush, this simply wasn't top of mind. When I did come into myself, the empty gate struck me as a symbol of the calm before the storm of Wednesday's travel. Despite it not being a perfect photo, in context, it's alright ;-)

Today's photo: "Calm before the storm"

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

365 Project - Day 28

Some days, I believe, you must fervently embrace Nietzche's refrain, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” This was one of those moments for me. While I am not interested in being in a cast for another month and off my left leg for 2 months, I am certain of the growth that will come through this time. And, I look forward to that. I have already had more time to read, sleep and noodle than in any other time in my life. I have spent more time with my family. I have spent more time with my craft.

So, as I was dressed in my cast, I had a choice to make. I could decide to be miserable and live feeling as though I was somehow cursed or to decide to live as though even in this state, I am somehow blessed. This new cast is a sign of new opportunities on the horizon. I am excited and anxious to explore the fullness of those opportunities despite the pain of the injury and the awkwardness of my gait. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Those things that hurt, instruct." I welcome more opportunities to learn and stretch and grow. I receive this moment in time as a blessing.

My best wishes,

Today's photo: "Blessed Blue Cast"

"Every blessing ignored becomes a curse." Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Monday, November 24, 2014

365 project - Day 27

Seeing, hearing, feeling the laughter of children is a spiritual experience at is core. When that follows an evening of laughter, while watching truly gifted children perform on stage, the experience is exhilarating. I rejoice in having the opportunity to experience this so very often. Last night's final performance of Lend Me a Tenor at Newtown High School was perfect. Typically, the kids will do something nutty on the final night, but this time, they put forth their best performance for one of their largest crowds. They poured their hearts into this show and the results were excellent. They surpassed all expectations, delivering an outstanding fully student run show - direction, lighting, sound, stage and cast. Bravo!

Today's Photo: Tony-Ready Selfie?

“The soul is healed by being with children.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

My best wishes!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

365 Project - Day 26

This afternoon, one of my high school friends is having a "Friendsgiving" party. I thought that was such a wonderful idea. A warm, casual get together with friends without all the angst of Thanksgiving, but filled with the full joy. I am grateful for having been included in the guest list and deeply disappointed that I cannot join the fun. We have a Lend Me a Tenor matinee today - the final performance. I am thankful, however, that we had the chance to catch up on the phone this week.

It just dawned on me that we have known it each other for 40 years. Sometimes, the time between visits with friends over those years seems much too long and then a brief phone call melts that time away. Another high school friend, one I have been friends with for more than 40 years and see less often, called recently. Speaking with her was pure joy and grace. There is no amount of time between visits that can make our friendship less so.

I am truly blessed.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "Tea Party":

"To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with." Mark Twain

365 Project - Day 25

Upon seeing me recently, a friend said "imagine if you were traveling like you were last year!" This time last year, I spent little time at home. I was stationed out of Prague, Czech Republic and covering Central and Eastern Europe as part of a program I had entitled "Project Tiber" (that's what happens when you're working from your Italian holiday!) in which we sent much of our corporate staff out to the field to help progress and close business in the second half of 2013. I was a bit of a nomad. At one point, I paid for my luggage as excess baggage in multiple departure cities because I was away for so long and frequently moving from country to country to country. I couldn't get by with a carry on, single suitcase or daily dry cleaning. I was a piece of work. I'm still unclear as to how I might have managed differently.

One year later, my life is 180 degrees from that madness. One part due to retirement; large part due to my brief sojourn down the garage steps. It was very difficult being away from my family for so long during Project Tiber, but I embraced the people and places to which I traveled. I often joked that I am truly more European than American. Having the opportunity to plant myself in Central and Eastern Europe was a blessing. Business was challenging and traveling rough, but my colleagues and our clients were enjoyable. I found the cultures, while unique, not so unlike ours. For instance, there was the father who shared his story of Santa Claus and his daughter, the driver who spoke of long bike rides on weekends, the mother worried about keeping her teenage son away from drugs, Turkish barbecues, Serbian dinners with live music and everywhere I found light and laughter and love. No, it wasn't easy being away from home, but if I had to be away, this is where I should be.

I have often heard that on average, Americans travel far less than the rest of the world's population. I do not understand the rationale for anyone's hesitation. It is indeed hard to be away from family and business travel is far from glamorous. On the other hand, one misses the beauty and wonder of both the places and the people. You cannot know much without experiencing much, IMHO.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "Travel Days"

"To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.” Hans Christian Andersen

"But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously — take God seriously." Micah 6:8 (MSG)

"And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Friday, November 21, 2014

365 Project - Day 24

My favorite photography projects are theatrical shows. Thankfully, my sons give me an abundance of opportunities to capture these moments. I enjoy transporting them (viewer and actor), back to the action and their feelings during a particular scene. As I think about this, I can draw a close correlation to my previous ambition to be a sports photographer given I essentially wanted to accomplish the same effect. When I do get it right: scene, mood, facial expressions and action, I am thrilled. I have to admit, though, I am a perfectionist. As anyone who has tried capturing theatrical photos knows, this is difficult. Lighting, action, angles all converge to make this a tricky business. I was fortunate to have a terrific mentor who provided excellent advice. And, the rest is up to preparation, patience and post-processing.

In this photograph, I've left the feet in on the right because while in the eyes of the non-audience member, they are irrelevant, they are important to this scene. These kids were fantastic during opening night last night. I had to put down the camera and just laugh several times. Though it was the second night of the show, I was still laughing. It is and they are simply funny and enjoyable. What a thrill to just sit back, relax and delight in the wonder and excellence of youth! Can I say this is in part due to excellent directing?

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: "On cue"

“Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?”
― Benjamin Franklin

“How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts!”
― Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, November 20, 2014

365 Project - Day 23

Tonight is opening night of my son's directing debut. I am a proud mama. I spent most of the day editing photos from last night's dress rehearsal, once my husband and son decided they wanted to have a few (17) prints in the lobby this evening. Lend Me a Tenor is a terrific show. We saw it years ago on Broadway and really enjoyed it. It was great fun watching these high school students "be" their characters and deliver stellar performances. Aidan and his co-director have done a marvelous job. Putting on a theatre production like this takes a great deal of teamwork, dedication and hard work. I am convinced that they will achieve their ambition of offering a performance that thoroughly delights the audience.

I was grateful to be a part of the intimate group attending the dress rehearsal and took far more photos than I expected. I actually exceeded the average for performances in which my children are cast. Comedic farces, however, do tend to lend themselves to plenty of opportunities to catch a sudden, quick and unexpected scene. Such a treat!

I have to say, I was just the slightest bit jealous as I watched the yearbook photographer move all over the theatre to take pictures. I was firmly rooted in one place, basically immobile. Hey, that's life and this too shall pass! I am learning a lot in my stationary state and that's always a good thing.

Today's photo: "Newtown High School Presents..."

"Act without expectation." Lao Tzu

"Life is like a theatre, but the question is not whether you are in the audience or on stage but rather are you where you want to be?" A. B. Potts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

365 Project - Day 22

I guess it's pretty easy to say the weather isn't so bad when you haven't ventured out in it for more than a few moments at a time and, of course, if you don't live in Buffalo. Tonight I went out to photograph my son's dress rehearsal and it is so very cold. I found myself longing for the days when we lived in Texas. Clearly, winter is running rapidly toward us and I need to brace myself. I am not a cold weather person. In fact, I need - need sunshine and warmth. I'm one of those people that craves time in the direct sunlight simply because I literally feel all ills being drawn out by the rays of the sun. And I do mean "all ills": physical, mental and emotional. Warmth and sunshine are my ultimate cure.

I chose this photo for today's project because the cast of light and few remaining leaves symbolize hope of more days and weeks of warmer weather before the onset of bitter cold. Rather than think of this as fleeting fall, I choose to think of it as the hope of warmth.

Today's photo: "Hope of warmth"

Warmest Wishes !!

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

"Hope anchors the soul." Hebrews 6:19

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

365 Project - Day 21

I sat down to relax in our dining room for a few minutes this afternoon. I mentioned this space in a previous blog. I can't recall the last time we dined in this room, really. As I looked around the room, two things struck me: it is a fantastic room; and it is so, so blue. Sitting there, I also remembered that blue was essentially my family's favorite color growing up. When I was 11 years old, we moved to a new city and new home and much, though not all, of the interior was blue. Blue, however, was not my favorite color. As they were building their new house, my parents were gracious enough to ask me if I wanted anything special in my room. I can only imagine their surprise (and likely regret) when I insisted on my room being pink and purple, but they delighted in honoring my wishes. At the end of a lovely light blue carpeted hallway, was the entrance to a pre-teen girl's bedroom with plush purple carpet and pale pink walls. I was thrilled!

I don't believe I have a favorite color these days. Though, I do absolutely enjoy this elegant blue dining room. I can see why this color is so cherished by my parents and, I thank them for indulging my pre-teen and teenage self.

So, in honor of my parents, I offer this "study in elegant blue"

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up." Pablo Picasso

Best wishes!

Monday, November 17, 2014

365 Project - Day 20

I recently read an article on the Light Stalking website highlighting the "5 Photos Every Photographer Must Know How to Create." I agreed with the article and knew that one of the areas that I hadn't tried to conquer in full was freeze motion photography. Capturing action in sports is a breeze for me. It is what I dreamt of shooting when I was younger. I imagined myself on the sidelines of a professional basketball or football game, capturing the controversial and game winning plays, up close and personal. I suppose it's possible that part of the dream was tied to a throwback to my cheerleading days. Still the thrill of being on the sideline of a fast paced game in the midst of the action, yet slightly a part, sends my adrenaline soaring. Several months ago, I intentionally lost my way on the streets of Prague and happened upon a Monster Energy Drink sponsored mountain bike rally and trick competition. With my camera in hand, I was back on the sidelines capturing the action. Freezing a cyclist, upside down, at the top of the trick jump ramp - not a problem.

The challenge for me is that I envy others who have captured beads of sweat dancing midair as they bounce off a boxer during a prizefight or, better still, cause your mouth to water with the tantalizing wetness of the splash of a cold drink and suspended water droplets. So, I set out to attempt the latter. I could not do this alone and enlisted the aid of my husband. I knew I was on borrowed time as I watched his expression during my explanation of the project and his role. Then as my son returned home from school, smirking at my madness, my husband's patience and my enthusiasm waned. This photo is my nascent attempt at freeze motion water photography completed in under 30 minutes with minimal editing. As I need assistance, no one was willing to wait upon me as I nursed my photos.

Nevertheless, I am thrilled I experienced this. I believe it went well. I eagerly await my next opportunity to master this photo. My cup is full!

Today's Photo: "Refreshing Freeze!"

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 16, 2014

365 Project - Day 19

There's always a bit of a anxiety for me when allowing family to vote on my picture of the day. This evening, I shared 2 options with my 17 year old son. I knew which one I wanted to use, but his reaction was the opposite. "I feel like the first one," he said nonchalantly, "is just a picture of a leaf. And this one illustrates the transition from Fall to Winter." Ugh - really? That first one was far more artistic than just a leaf IMHO. It was a fantastic photograph of the last leaf remaining on the branch of what had been a full tree just days earlier and I quite liked the blurred branches in the background.

This "transition" photo is lovely, however, and he is right. You do look at it and immediately understand that we are in the midst of a transition, with the tease of winter arriving perhaps earlier than we had hoped.

Today's Photo: "Transitions"

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

Saturday, November 15, 2014

365 Project - Day 18

Okay - I admit to being totally oblivious to the Polar Vortex conversation over the past week. I have a couple of simple explanations for this - I have not gotten out much and the weather doesn't seem to be all that bad to me. Perhaps, I'm a just a little jaded since we've had terrible weather this time of year in the past. What we're experiencing now simply doesn't compare. A couple of years ago, we had to cancel Halloween due to heavy snowfall that blew out our electricity for 6 days. So a little snow in early November with temperatures in the 30s is nothing ... mind you, it is a far cry from the heat we enjoyed living in Houston, but this polar vortex thing seems silly compared to that blizzard. I had to chuckle reading the whole arctic outbreak, polar vortex, global warming, climate change debate. Lots of discussion over which term is correct and whether something is going on with the global climate that may be driving record lows in November. I certainly don't mean to diminish parts of the world that were hit hard with bad weather this week. I found what we received refreshingly beautiful, regardless of what caused it.

Today's Photo: "Arctic Beauty"

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

"Snowflakes are kisses from Heaven." - Unknown

Friday, November 14, 2014

365 Project - Day 17

I confess that our dining room is rarely used. In fact, this evening, my husband was setting out a plate of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies (yep, he baked them) for my son's cast bonding party and asked if he could use a plate from the dining room buffet. Without breathing, I firmly said "no". Seriously, a bunch of teenagers eating off of my china? At the same time, I suppose someone should see and use the beautiful decor we have so lovingly displayed in this room. This candle vase and painting (would be interesting to know if someone could guess the painting from just the amount exposed here) are two simpler examples of art and joy in the room. I chose these for this photo because I love the glass mosaic and its reflections dancing off the navy blue walls, juxtaposed with just the corner of the painting.

Today's Photo: Dancing Mosaic

"Remember yesterday..Celebrate today...Imagine tomorrow."

"Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do." Ecclesiastes 9:7

Thursday, November 13, 2014

365 Project - Day 16

A few weeks ago I shared a photo of a bird flying over the open water, actually over the Pacific Ocean, with the online community at Light Stalking. I had just joined the community and they offer a wonderful sharing and learning opportunity. As a result of the rather lively dialog around that photo, I decided I would spend time developing bird photography skills, beginning with my birthday gift of a Nikon 1.4x teleconverter. I have big ambitions ;-) but you always have to start somewhere.

My husband was kind enough to prime my efforts by filling the backyard bird feeder. In no time the birds arrived, but I was preoccupied and didn't get out until dusk. Few birds remained and I had lost a full stop of light by using the teleconverter. This is my favorite photo of the evening, simply because she is singing. I am thrilled that I captured that moment. I know the quality isn't good, but I have all kinds of issues playing out here - the use of the teleconverter with its stop loss, extreme cropping of an underexposed photo where ISO was over 1000 AND I had this lens (70-200mm f2.8 VRII in my hand when "the accident" occurred. I'm not yet convinced that it fully survived. For now, I'm happy with this photo as the starting point in developing my bird photography skills. I'm anxious to get out again.

Today's Photo: "The Winged Singer"

“The earth has music for those who listen.” ― George Santayana

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

365 Project - Day 15

I've been playing around with my flash unit and am learning a lot. I am not a big fan of using flash, but I suppose I have a choice: hibernate in the dark, take super grainy photos or figure out this beast. On top, it's not lost on me that I am missing all of the other benefits of flash in eliminating shadows, capturing action photos, making subjects standout, increasing sharpness, etc. So, I have a long way to go in sorting out flash, but had fun shooting some of my favorite things: beautiful flowers from a friend, ever-present crutches and a delicious Snickers bar. All 3 make up my triad of encouragement these days. I chose this photo shot with a bounce flash using the fluorescent filter.

Today's Photo: Encouragement: Beauty, Brace, Bliss

“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

365 Project - Day 14

Oddly, I believe that starting this project shortly before "the accident" was a blessing. There's certainly no way I would start it now. I was only on day 2 or 3 when the leg break occurred and I remain deeply committed. I am so grateful for this gift of photography. It is precisely the distraction I need.

Many years ago, when I had the luxury of free of time I would walk through antique shows in Houston. I was attracted to a few items: crystal stemware, silver serving pieces, numbered art prints by the masters and dusty old cameras ;-) I love the look and feel of these vintage cameras and they have remained on display (dust and all) since I picked them up. I haven't tried using them, though I know a lot of people do use the Argus 75 still today. My son picked up both while I was shooting the photos saying, "I don't see how anyone can see anything or take any pictures with these cameras!" If only he had to survive in the 1950s.

I would polish them, but frankly, I love them with the dust. Seems to make their "vintage" more life-like.

Today's photo: "Vintage Style"

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." Coco Chanel

Monday, November 10, 2014

365 Project - Day 13

Happy Birthday to me ... I enjoyed a fantastic birthday today. I experienced both more pain than I would have hoped and more joy than I likely deserve. Fortunate am I that I should be remembered and offered good wishes by so many. I am full!

On several separate occasions this summer, I have photographed our "double knock-out roses", but haven't been satisfied with any of the photographs. I decided that I would force myself out to take more in celebration of my birthday and then force a "best of the day" selection to post for today's project. Of course, I was limited in the amount of time I could spend taking pictures. The bushes are also tiring of blooming, as they seem ready to give way to rest for the winter. Most of the few remaining roses look quite spent, but they are still enjoyable.

Today's photo: "Celebrate"

This just made me laugh so hard:
"I kept a diary right after I was born. Day 1: Tired from the move. Day 2: Everyone thinks I'm an idiot." - Steven Wright

Sunday, November 9, 2014

365 Project - Day 12

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am grateful for so much today, including the opportunity for rest as a result of my broken leg... Grateful for the love, grace and peace of God, the love of family, the laughter of children, the warmth of my parents' voices, the gift of flowers, the comfort of a caring husband, the safe return of a son, the hugs of friends and children, the generosity of a kind note, energizing crisp weather and the beauty that surrounds us every day. Abundance and gratitude are inextricably intertwined. And, again, I am thankful!

Today's photo: "Gratitude"

"This a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before." Maya Angelou

Saturday, November 8, 2014

365 Project - Day 11

I suppose I will be grounded for a few days. I certainly felt that way yesterday, in preparation for my surgery. It looked like a beautiful day outside, though cold and windy. And, while there were lots of opportunities to photograph indoors, I longed to be outside. However, I was hooked up to a cold pack machine to reduce the swelling. The good news is I was sitting in one of our front rooms, looking out a large picture window.

All my best wishes!

Today's Photo: "Grounded"

"March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." Khalil Gibran

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1

Friday, November 7, 2014

365 Project - Day 10

While I still remember most of the chords of "Swans on the Lake", I wasn't that fond of my piano lessons when I was young. It's hard to pinpoint any specific reason other than, I just wasn't good at it. I enjoy classical music and like listening to and watching piano virtuosos, but I was not to be one of them. As we decided to provide piano lessons for my children 8 years ago, they together with my husband insisted on an electric piano with all of the bells and whistles. I was certain this would be a passing phase (like mine) and we were wasting our money. They argued that an electric piano would be more fun, which would lead to more hours of practice. I believe reality falls somewhere in between.

They still take lessons and play the piano. They practice far less than I would like and yesterday, when neither was willing nor available to take their lesson, my husband asked if I would fill in for them so that we would not lose money on the lesson. Hah! My sons are talented pianists when focused. My eldest has been recognized for both his technique and his passion, receiving outstanding scores in competition. And, recently, he wrote his college essay poetically describing how the piano serves as therapy. Actually, perhaps, reality does not fall in the middle. If tickling the ivories soothes him, then I say, the investment was brilliant.

All my best wishes! ps - surgery is over and I am going to rest now ...

Today's photo: "The Piano"
"Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it." Tom Lehrer

“Sometimes I can only groan, and suffer, and pour out my despair, at the piano.” Frederic Chopin

Thursday, November 6, 2014

365 Project - Day 9

I'm not sure what I expected of Connecticut when we moved here from Texas more than 10 years ago, but as I've driven around for our photography club project the last few weeks, I've enjoyed the variety: tiny towns, big cities (yes, with skyscrapers), local vineyards, large and small farms, parks, sheep and chickens in abundance, dense forests and more. The assignment was rural landscape and I enjoyed every moment rambling through western CT. What I am most surprised by, however, is that so many people choose to live deep in the woods. Literally, a single home in 1/2 mile radius enveloped in trees. I couldn't do it - I would hear all kinds of crazy noises, all the time.

My club project was completed prior to the start of this blog, yet I still can't resist turning off the road at the next "farm" sign. I have passed this farm before, but have never seen a single black cow. And, yesterday there were so many! Just hanging out, with all the time in the world. Hmmm.

Tomorrow I go in for surgery to repair my broken leg ... that is weighing just a little heavy on my mind. All my best wishes to you and yours!

Today's photo: "Cow Time"

“Why is patience so important?"
"Because it makes us pay attention.”
― Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

365 Project - Day 8

One week completed! I'm quite proud of this milestone, with or without "the accident". I have no doubt, the next 51 weeks will be a lot easier!

Yesterday as I was preparing to vote, I was reminded of a trip to Berlin a few years ago. This trip comes to mind during every major election season. While I rarely had time to sightsee during my business trips, I went after dinner one evening to visit the Reichstag Building, the seat of Germany's Parliament, Bundestag. It is a fantastic building and I'm so glad I took the time. The Reichstag Building was included in National Geographic's "100 Secret Journeys" last year, an article I happened upon again this morning. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend the tour. The glass architecture of the dome and the views are outstanding. I was also fascinated by the entrances into chamber which indicate whether a member is voting for or against a topic. I loved the visual and the clarity of actually voting with your feet. I stood for a long time staring at those 2 doors, thinking thoughts like what if we were forced to live a life in which the path we took so clearly defined our commitment to something? Because, frankly, IMHO either door meant you were demonstrating a commitment, your personal commitment.

Voting is a privilege, an honor and a responsibility. I have been involved in this whole crazy process since I was 17. While I am not outspoken about it, I do feel an abiding sense of responsibility. If you're a US citizen, regardless of how you feel about yesterday's election, I hope you honored yourself and your fellow countrymen by participating; by voting with your feet. I dare say that in most democratic nations, I believe the flag is symbolic of a like responsibility and privilege. For those citizens outside the US, I implore you as I do my fellow Americans, vote with your feet, engage your privilege and enable your responsibility.

Today, in honor of the US Election Day, I offer "The Privilege":

"Those that have the privilege to know have the duty to act." Albert Einstein

Wie immer, die besten Wünsche!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

365 Project - Day 7

In thinking about this project today, I discovered that this is as much about conscious restraint as it is about the discipline of taking photos every day. On an average day, I can easily take more than 200 shots. When faced with the prospect, however, of editing all of those within 24 hours to select the single best and then start over the next day, it dawned on me that I must control my urge to capture every thing around me. I need to look instead for a unique message, composition and dynamic. Now, having said that, there are also days when images seem scarce and I have have to dream up or, said better, "create" the day's project. Knowing I cannot borrow from today for tomorrow, however, makes it clear that there is no point in being reckless.

This image is all about strength. I am intrigued by the scale in this illustration. Building strength requires a first step, commitment to consistent growth and a clear goal. Staying at one level, starting too ambitiously or having no goal will not deliver the powerful results we've envisioned.

PS - comments and feedback are welcome!

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: Building strength ...

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

"Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." Napoleon Hill

Monday, November 3, 2014

365 Project - Day 6

The wind was crazy yesterday. I went out mid-afternoon for my 365 shoot and thought I would have a terrific opportunity to get a few pictures of leaves blowing in the wind. The sun was shining and it was what the British refer to as a "crisp" afternoon (which is cold in my vernacular). Since I cannot venture too far from home, I stepped off the porch into the garden. I took more photos of the Japanese Maple. The tree is huge and beautiful and I do feel somewhat obliged to photograph it daily. For something new, however, I shot photos of the leaves on the ground and this one of the shadows of the large oaks in our neighbor's yard, stretching into ours appeals to me. Perhaps because it resembles strong legs, which I am want of at the moment.

Since the leaves weren't blowing as much as I had hoped, I enlisted the assistance of my son, Brooks, to throw a few into the air after his attempts to run and shuffle through a pile of leaves left the pile virtually undisturbed. It did not seem a complicated task to me, but throwing worked slightly better. Just because it's such fun, I thought I would add his photo.

I know this project is to choose 1 each day and in the first week, I've already broken the rule twice, but so be it. It makes me joyful!

Enjoy and all my best wishes!

Today's Photos: "Autumn Strength 1 and 2"

“Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.” Napoleon

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Sunday, November 2, 2014

365 Project - Day 5

After laying in all day trying to rest my leg, it finally dawned on me that I needed to get up and get my shot for the day. It's not that I hadn't thought about it during the day. It's more that I didn't have the will. So after it had started getting dark and was raining, I finally gathered the strength and will to step out onto my front porch. As I ventured outdoors, my 17 year old yelled out to me, "Mom! What do you think you're doing? It's dark and raining outside!" To which I sheepishly responded, "Yep, I know, but I need to get my 365 shot in and I'll be careful, I promise." Wasn't that kind of him to worry about me?

The time was 7PMish and there was virtually no natural light available. I took advantage of the porch light. I used my 50mm f1.8 lens, affectionately referred to many as their "nifty fifty" and snapped away at the Japanese Maple at the edge of my doorway. I alternated between leaning on the frame of the house, the pillars on the porch, and on my crutches. This triad left me with a shaky set-up and minimal space to maneuver (like a 3ft square), but I managed. I'm learning to live within my means.


Today's Photo: "Japanese Maple at Twilight"

"The pain that you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming." Romans 8:18

Saturday, November 1, 2014

365 Project - Day 4

For today's blog, I am posting a photo of my son, Brooks, in his Halloween costume. He rocked this bizarre look. When I was about his age, I dressed like a proper, but pudgy bum for Halloween. I still have that picture and he and I had similar attitudes on our respective Halloween nights. He is always looking for a highly dramatic edge and he always pulls it off. I loved seeing myself in him last night. To take this, I hobbled outside on my crutches and leaned on them for balance. Most shots were sharp, however, it's clear in a few that I was not so steady ... my new normal!

Enjoy and best wishes!

Today's Photo: "To Each, His Own"

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." E. E. Cummings