Wednesday, November 5, 2014

365 Project - Day 8

One week completed! I'm quite proud of this milestone, with or without "the accident". I have no doubt, the next 51 weeks will be a lot easier!

Yesterday as I was preparing to vote, I was reminded of a trip to Berlin a few years ago. This trip comes to mind during every major election season. While I rarely had time to sightsee during my business trips, I went after dinner one evening to visit the Reichstag Building, the seat of Germany's Parliament, Bundestag. It is a fantastic building and I'm so glad I took the time. The Reichstag Building was included in National Geographic's "100 Secret Journeys" last year, an article I happened upon again this morning. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend the tour. The glass architecture of the dome and the views are outstanding. I was also fascinated by the entrances into chamber which indicate whether a member is voting for or against a topic. I loved the visual and the clarity of actually voting with your feet. I stood for a long time staring at those 2 doors, thinking thoughts like what if we were forced to live a life in which the path we took so clearly defined our commitment to something? Because, frankly, IMHO either door meant you were demonstrating a commitment, your personal commitment.

Voting is a privilege, an honor and a responsibility. I have been involved in this whole crazy process since I was 17. While I am not outspoken about it, I do feel an abiding sense of responsibility. If you're a US citizen, regardless of how you feel about yesterday's election, I hope you honored yourself and your fellow countrymen by participating; by voting with your feet. I dare say that in most democratic nations, I believe the flag is symbolic of a like responsibility and privilege. For those citizens outside the US, I implore you as I do my fellow Americans, vote with your feet, engage your privilege and enable your responsibility.

Today, in honor of the US Election Day, I offer "The Privilege":

"Those that have the privilege to know have the duty to act." Albert Einstein

Wie immer, die besten Wünsche!

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