Tuesday, April 7, 2015

365 Project - Day 158

As I mentioned yesterday, we were in Rochester, NY this weekend. One of the schools my son is considering for college is Rochester Institute of Technology. They have an impressive College of Imaging Arts & Science and their animation program is highly rated. I had to chuckle when the Dean said that, given the focus on telling a story is the same, during the first semester all of the students in the Film & Animation program take the same courses, "even if you are thinking you never want to draw a thing." This is exactly the precise thought I know was crossing my son's mind as the Dean spoke. He hates drawing. The very thought of it makes his fingers swell such that he cannot hold a pencil. He will have to sketch out ideas, I imagine, as the Director of Photography, but he just can't fathom a class in animation. It is funny to watch his reaction to these things. My other son, who will also study film is not so queasy as he enjoys every aspect of film making. He is picky about other things.

One of the many choices my son will have to make is the importance of what NYU referred to as a "leafy campus" versus a city campus. While you cannot see the leaves in this photo - it is still largely winter here - RIT falls in the former category.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: Campus Arches

In case you're interested, this is the Bausch & Lomb Center at RIT

Much is debated today about the value of a college education. Where else will you have the opportunity for access to such varied subjects, experts and diverse people in a compact environment? I have challenged my son to select a college that will give him the best education in both his field and subjects that will make him both more interesting and more interested, and that will expose him to the smartest colleagues. And, when he leaves, I will ask him to find opportunities to do the most good. As I said to my younger son this evening, he has super powers, indeed. It is his quest to ensure that he develops those God given talents (aka super powers) for the good of others.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1Peter 2:9

EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 200

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