Thursday, April 16, 2015

365 Project - Day 167

When I visit my parents, there are 2 things I need or the trip does not feel like a successful familial visit - my mom's macaroni and cheese and her lasagna. IMHO, this not a huge request. Just 2 little comfort foods that make me happy.

The other day, we went out for breakfast and my son chose the restaurant because he wanted their chocolate chip pancakes. When I asked him how he was enjoying his meal, he said, "they're not as good as yours." I pressed my hands against the table and said a quiet "thank you". Far more civilized than the picture in my head of my fists in the air while shouting, "yes!"

The photo below was taken in a hurry with my children and my husband standing around like wildebeest at a feeding. My children were hovering with forks in hand saying, "mom, come on, hurry up and finish your photo so we can eat!" Under duress, there was no time for a perfect food photo op with a clean pie dish and there certainly was no patience for adding ice cream to the served plate and then putting it back for a photograph. As soon as the ice cream was scooped, the plate would be taken.

As I think about my first son getting ready to make his college selection and journey off as an adult, I welcome the opportunity to prepare his favorite homemade comfort foods. I imagine making my apple pie for him to enjoy when he comes home will bring a different sense of joy than a simple Sunday night dessert.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: Mom's Special Homemade Apple Pie

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." Charles Spurgeon

EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 400

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