Wednesday, May 20, 2015

365 Project - Day 201

I spent the day in NYC as a chaperone for the choral / theatre group of 50 teenagers. The kids were good, but I am exhausted and so many muscles ache. When my recovering broken leg was at its end and the pain quite intense, I had to make a decision: focus on the pain or the purpose. I loved the idea of being in the city, experiencing the frenetic energy, helping out the school and spending time with my own teens and several others. There was something important to accomplish and, I could still walk. I chose to focus on my purpose.

We make hundreds of choices every day. The question is always what motivates to make those choices? Too often we are guided by fear and pain. Imagine if we made our choices based on hope, grace and abundance?

This tree remnant has been in our yard since we arrived 10 years ago. I am intrigued by the 3 deep vertical lines and overall shape. It adds character to the beauty in our garden, reminding us that though something may outgrow its initial purpose, it can be reclaimed for a new and beautiful future.

Best wishes!

Today's Photo: Reclaimed Beauty

"What is past is past ... Use wisely your power of choice.
Choose to love ... rather than hate.
Choose to laugh ... rather than cry.
Choose to create ... rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere ... rather than quit.
Choose to praise ... rather than gossip.
Choose to heal ... rather than wound.
Choose to give ... rather than steal.
Choose to act ... rather than procrastinate.
Choose to grow ... rather than rot.
Choose to pray ... rather than curse.
Choose to live ... rather than die."
From Og Mandino's The Greatest Miracle in the World

EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 200

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