Friday, January 2, 2015

365 Project - Day 64

I will break the rules ... I need to put a New Year's photo in before the week is out, but I also need to complete my gel sampling. Day 64 is another 2-fer!

This first photo is the final trial of my new gels. I admit, I'm not fond of the yellow gel. I need to find the proper use for this one - right subject, right atmosphere. I asked my son, Brooks, to serve as my subject this time. He enjoys playing the piano, but his form is off. I say this with a bit of trepidation because I took far fewer years of piano lessons than he. I do believe that his wrists should be higher and his posture is wrong, but that is for another time and place. Yes, as I was attempting to perfect this photograph, I noticed so many things wrong. For one, he could use a manicure! I am grateful, nevertheless, that he sat still long enough for me to capture this photograph.

Today's #1 Photo: Peaceful Solitude

For the second photo ... This was essentially the calm before the storm. We had a house filled with the laughter of teenagers for New Year's Eve. The coffee table was set for the count down. Sparkling cider, hats and glitter on the kitchen table, noise makers and more glitter in the family room. We enjoy this event each year. We don't sleep because we have boys and girls over all night long and we must be responsible parents ensuring nothing "untoward" is happening and that they do split up into their separate male and female spaces for the night (and stay APART). It is much fun and, there's always time for sleeping the next day.

Today's #2 Photo: Ready for 2015!

The juxtaposition of these two photos in the same post is interesting, right? One emanating a sense of peace and the other is quite the opposite but, perhaps, there is a sermon in here somehow. It could be that when inner peace is real and true, it creates the ability for a more bold tomorrow filled with friendship, laughter and confident openness to all things anew!?

I wish you a 2015 just like that!

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons." Desiderata

EXIF #1: Nikon D7100
ISO 320
1/90 (on camera speed light)

EXIF #2: Nikon D7100
ISO 800
1/45 (no flash)

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