Wednesday, January 28, 2015

365 Project - Day 90

I desperately want to stay true to my daily project so I will not cheat, though I must confess I could not believe my eyes. I downloaded the photos for the day and they fell into 2 files, which meant I shot on 2 different days. I was sure there was a mistake. I can't tell you how many times I looked at the photos, then at the dates, and then back to the photos and their capture dates and times again. "How is it possible," I thought, "that I actually took that photo after midnight?" I had stood behind the closed front door watching the snow come down, blowing from side to side and swirling around for several minutes. I was deciding whether it was safe to open the door, stand in the doorway and photograph nature's mess outside. By the time I finally made up my mind to go for it, I guess we had crossed over to a new day and I had lost the opportunity to use nature's fury for that day's 365. The problem was that I had only a few photos and I was clearly out of time.

Here's the thing, though: My standing behind the door, looking outside and thinking about what to do, did nothing for me, except cause me to wonder if I could or should. I would have been better served had I gathered my courage, my creativity and my camera (and coat) and opened the door, without overthinking. Perhaps, then I would not have crossed days and I would have been more excited about the photo op with a little less knowledge about the actual conditions. Said differently, I might have been more successful with my time and talents had I acted more and worried less.

So, I won't cheat. I will post two photographs. The first is a photograph taken earlier in the day. The second is the one I shot in the doorway at 12:10AM.

Today's Photos: I am close

and, Beauty and beast of winter

"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit." Galatians 6:9

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