I'm grateful that we did not get 2 feet of snow. Like everyone else, I love the look of a winter wonderland, but I was not looking forward to that prediction of 18" - 24". I was glad we were prepared, though. I say, better safe than sorry. Frankly, the high winds and 6"-8" were enough for me. Just enough snow to leave a fresh blanket on the ground and a new canopy across the trees and bushes. Just enough wind to keep things interesting, but not too much to knock out the electricity. We were all home, safe, warm and content. A perfectly lovely day.
Once the snow stopped and I had a break from my webcast training, I opened the front door to get a quick glimpse of the outside and grabbed my camera to capture the photo below. The front yard was lovely with the freshly fallen snow. I liked the feel of the combination of warmth and snow in this photograph. I also get that sense of invincibility Albert Camus references in the quote below. Why not jump out into the snow and/or whatever else awaits you no matter how challenging it seems?
Best wishes!
Today's Photo: Snow Day!
"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." Albert Camus
EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 200
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