Saturday, January 17, 2015

365 Project - Day 79

I am magical! I have come to learn that my 365 Project can simply remind me of simple truths like, I am magical. The photo does not have to be perfect, it just has to remind me.

The other day, I mentioned feeling frustrated, yet I was to look back at that moment and realize I had received a perfect gift. Here's what happened. I was headed out the door to our monthly photography club meeting, with little extra time, when it dawned on me that I had no gas in my car. I don't live like that. I can count on one hand the number of times the fuel light has come on in my car in nearly 10 years. Since my leg is broken, however, I cannot crutch to the pump and back to put gas in the car. I actually rarely drive my car and while I had mentioned to my husband a few days earlier that I was low on gas, I had not reminded him. I was stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place with few options. I could try driving our Suburu, which I had driven only once before and was not comfortable trying again with my leg in a boot or I could not go. There was no time to have someone else fill up the car and I was 16 miles to empty.

I went. With a great deal of anxiety, I stopped by the gas station, prayed for strength and walked to the pump, no crutches. I was immensely proud of myself. Yes, my footwork was economical, but I filled my tank. And, while I waited on the tank to fill I turned my camera on and shot the photo below. I was initially annoyed with the left portion of the photo and at some point I may crop it out, but just like a scar tells a story, I believe that blur tells my story. I stepped out of my anxiety and into my strength. Had my husband filled my tank, like the superman I thought he was, I would not have understood the superwoman I am. I am magical, thanks to God.

People often see me with my crutches and feel sorry for me. I am tickled by their expressions. My response is fairly steady, "It's all good!"

Today's Photo: I am magical.

"For we are God's masterpiece." Ephesians 2:10

EXIF: Nikon D7100
ISO 400

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